I received a call from Leong Chee Hoong at 8.05pm. He told me he was just out from his office. He would join us in next round.
The dinner was attended by Philip. Boon Chee Yee Hong. Kong Ho. Au Chee. myself and Fook Kheong. Chun Ngan arrived KL at about 9 plus. Despite "thirsty". he could not get taxi from Makhota Cheras to join us for drink. So 7 of us went 2nd round at Golden Sun. Assured all readers. All uncles were well behaved. nothing hanky panky.
It was a great evening. we listened to each others "stories". Many great moments of "sharing" without inhibitions.
We intend to call for gathering again. All of us agreed it would be good to hold it on Friday evening. No rush. Everybody is relaxed. Sat and Sun usually are rest days.
Photos may be problematic. Kong Ho informed that his camera developed some problems. Photos may be "irrecoverable". We
cannot show readers how we finished a bottle of EXTRA XO (personal treasure contributed by Boon Chi). a very good liquor. We had good time at Yee Hong's house. drinking his "china made gong chiew for emperor" that smell like pungent ?????. Fook Kheong and Taukeh Jeffrey knew how it tasted. ( 中国皇帝公蕉 ?? 哎呀...你地班gay佬,搞咩野啊 ?? ) ( Fook Keong & Jeffrey 知道咩味道 ??..... Wah Lau Er ! )
We intend to call for gathering again. All of us agreed it would be good to hold it on Friday evening. No rush. Everybody is relaxed. Sat and Sun usually are rest days.
Photos may be problematic. Kong Ho informed that his camera developed some problems. Photos may be "irrecoverable". We

Captain : Ai Ya ! Ek Kok, Why you no ask Boon Chee to take the camera meh ! He got bring camera for all the past gatherings mah. But anyway, it's the same lah, even Boon Chee got camera, he won't be able to upload it until 1 or 2 months later.
Tali : 江湖大佬,你干样行走江湖,唔点喔 !Problem 啦 !我地点样帮captain交代啊 ?
KEE MUN: I think this bunch of monkeys had something 唔敢show in the photos and so they used a lousy excuse the camera was broken!
WONG SIR: 一定是了, 班淫湿佬嘛!!!
EK KOK 走光了喂!

Ek Kok : Captain , 我静鸡鸡话睥你听啦,Boon Chee 个日带佐条靓女来,唔爱比你地知道耶。哪 !我比她的相片你地睇吓,你唔好话是我讲咔!
Boon Chee: 我边度得闲?我重要 JAGA US Market and I also want to buy all the nice properties in OZ!!!!
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