16th June 2009

This is the first time thay " Captain " Auspilot, leader of the STOBA 1978er is attempting to lead an " air force ".
Auspilot, who is out on bail for an earlier charge of criminal consipacy related to leading the 1978er , had harboured hopes of
being the sixth Prime Minister in Bolehland.

It was discovered that the " Captain " & his five " officers " namely - ' Grik Man ' , ' Tali ', ' Sukiman ', ' Wong Sir ' & ' Chut-Chut ' were expelled from the same ' 78er camp '.
CAPTAIN : "Melbourne Center, Air Force One. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. We are declaring an emergency and require to land in Melbourne Airport immediately."
Melbourne Center : "Air Force One, roger. Who is your Captain and what is the nature of your emergency?"
Melbourne Center : "Air Force One, roger. Who is your Captain and what is the nature of your emergency?"
CAPTAIN : I got shit in my pants !
CAPTAIN : " Melbourne Center, this is the REAL Air Force One and I am Captain Tali Poon. P-O-O-N. The other one is a fake, piloted by AUS PILOT."
Melbourne Center : " Air Force One, roger. You are cleared for ILS approach Runway 16. Turn on your taxi and landing lights and rock your wings. Squawk IDENT so I know which one is which one!"
Aus Pilot and Tali P-O-O-N complied with ATC requirements at the same time.

Melbourne Center: " Alamak, you Malaysian pilots are teruk lah!!!!" 哈哈哈!!!
Aus Pilot and Tali P-O-O-N complied with ATC requirements at the same time.

Melbourne Center: " Alamak, you Malaysian pilots are teruk lah!!!!" 哈哈哈!!!
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