(YS to SP)
My name is Chin Yew Sin. 我叫 陈耀星
(KH to KF)
Thank you for the video clip.
(KH to Tali)
令狐冲..吃....清蒸金凤 + 四大天王 + 咖哩山猪肉 + 清蒸lala ...喝 GUINNESS STOUT 后高歌...笑傲江湖
我虽是诗仙李白的..."chu lai"......那些都不是我的大作.....我只会投机取巧....cut & paste....
Seong Pin大人..请高抬贵手.....帮我换个名堂......Copy Rights Act可不是好玩的....到时可人在江湖...身不由己loh
陈星 was 诗人? Wow! That makes sense! But he is no longer making noises @ creating poems nowadays, is it? 陈星, are you? Can you speak for yourself? We would like some clarifications if you care to reply?
As for 江湖。。。。 江湖 can you let me know your true identity? Are you really 令狐冲? Really??
(KF to SP)
BTW, 诗人– is the nick name for 陈星 given by the girls in Lower Six.
P/S This is a social Blog and a forum for those 三德和尚 1978ers who make the occasional deprecatory remarks regarding themselves and others without any ill intentions. We sincerely apologize to those who suffer emotional trauma or feel they have been defamed! Consequently this Blog Owner is not liable for any legal lawsuits thereof.
(Some 和尚 in the background swearing @#$%^&*???!!!)
(Some 和尚 in the background swearing @#$%^&*???!!!)
ReplyDeleteYou mean 三十年后的今天 or 今天以后的三十年 ?
The photo looks really .. very... ( rip like ).
Thousand apology. 阿弥陀佛!
Tali I tarik balik the photo because I downloaded it from another site.... RIP like is not good. Let's try to get a no so RIP like pic from the "source" (you know who lah). Already so sensitive?? What a bummer!
ReplyDeleteWe might lose another sponsor ( / speaker ? ) for next year event !
ReplyDeleteSuggest you put his photo from the class register. It look more..like...scholar..scholarly... ??!!
Old class photo is for RIP only!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYa ! Ya ! Sorry, I forgot. Just like Ng Chun Mun .