Chut - Chut : I vowed to have nothing to do with stimulants. But I find myself getting very involved in stimulants since the recent financial tsunami had hit Malaysia. I have not changed my despise for economy but our collective existence has changed so drastically in recent years that unless a different financial stimulus package ( such as the one from Dubai ) arises soon, we will not have a livable country very soon. This new stimulus requires an active participation from everybody – including yours and mine.
The best criteria of getting hot and wet is the thickness of your wallet. Your age, amount of hairs, size of waistlines never matters. Oh - you can get very salty and smelly and nobody cares !
PROF : Hmmn .... And I say with my vast qualifications and experience in Marketing huh, that we must market the country's resources and sell ourselves out of this very-difficult-to-forecast Global Financial Crisis. OK....hmmn..... we have petroleum (although forecast to run out soon), various metal ores like tin and amang (psst ..... I have a good friend in Ipoh he can sell very cheap if he wants to .....), and talented people (乌龟,Batcha, 鸡屎 etc etc) who are international and qualified people!
As for the GDP forecast, I think it is not difficult to do .... just add -5% to -5% and the 2009 GDP growth would be -10%, QED. I have no taste buds for salty, wet or sour but I can smell a rat from 10 miles away .... so to my competitor economist CHUT CHUT; bring it on!!!!!
Lastly, I am very easily stimulated. You cucuk me some more I will come out to pray pray with you !

Adi Ada : 我唔系陈星 !你地有咩问题,即管放马过来!However, you better don't cucuk me ! If I come out.... hah... 你地就知死!

PROF: A yoh yoh, CHUT CHUT 同 ADIDA. 我唔是 philosopher mah, 我是 Marketing Guru, the best in JB, Melbourne, Beijing, Shanghai and Singapore! 我师父 Professor Philip Kotler 是同我 same title 嘅 (PROFESSOR mah!). Philosophy 买唔到面包嘅 ..... 我地一定要卖我地嘅老底先有的救. Marketing lah, Marketing 可以打救我地啦!卖嘢啦, 卖身你最叻咯嘞!!!!
重有啊, 你唔好 STIM 我哇。 我叫鸡屎来打你一班色鬼嘅!死未?

Disclaimer: These are ficticious people and comments. The blog owners are not malicious in their intents and any misgivings are much regretted.