Memories .... Friendship .... Encouragement .... Strength .... Support .... Camaraderie .... Understanding .... The Good Old Days .... The Here and Now ....
Yee Wah ; Tong Leong ; James Wong ; Hock Chong ; Tali & KF .
( photo taken bt a S.Y.T. with Kee Mun's camera )
Kee Mun + the rest of the uncles
We went to Tong Leong's house & continued the night in his special platform cabin built next to the antique train coach. A very nice place to have a gathering like this for the old fellas. In short, a very enjoyable & memorable night for everyone, maybe with the exception of KF, he's been very quiet for the whole night. ( I think he's disappointed with the outcome of our arrangement for the night..... hee ! hee ! hee ! No Kok for session for him. He was misleaded by captain that it should be a wild night with the Ipoh Mari ! )
Tong Leong's private cabin
By the way, still waiting for the photos from Siew Yee Wah. Log on to this blog more often. You might be lucky to see the photos. Ha ! Ha ! Ha ! Cheers !
Have a nice weekend & Happy Merdeka !
Reported by : Tali
Photos updated by Tali on 1st September 2009. Photos by courtesy of Kee Mun. More pictures to come from Siew Yee Wah.
Judged by the responses of concern shown towards Wong sir's fever & sore throat,
it's good to know that you'll never walk alone, my friends.
Come on. Cheers. For this special friendship,
that has lasted for more than 30 + years,
and going to last longer,
The Fight over Coke by 78ers.
One of the 78ers, Wong sir was down with a slight fever & sore throat.
As usual, the 78ers uncles are so concern about that, and dug out all type of recipes :-
KM : Wong Sir, Warm Coke + Ginger !
Chut-Chut : Forget about the Coke. Use Warm lemon + Ginger instead.
Tali : Wong Sir, Coke + Kopitiam girl sure will get you well very soon !
Captain : Warm Coke + Ginger + Warm Lemon + Kopitiam girl ; stirred well, but not shaken ; add 2 shots of Blue Label whiskey ; lie down, tuck up a thick blanket in a stuffy room and read 老夫子 comic books.
Chut-Chut : With a kopitiam girl and Tongkat Ali Ginseng coffee would work better, I believe.
Wong Sir : Alamak ! What's all these ? I only want the Original Coke !
He is the latest find of the 78er Missing Persons Commission.
Saying ' Hello ' to everyone all the way from UK.
Have you ever seen a touching moment like this?
A 78er : Hey ! Tali . I am also very TOUCHING one leh ! Hee ! Hee !