又是九月九“上海”夜 难聚首
思乡的人儿, 飘流在外头
又是九月九, 回家的打算, 始终在心头
朋友…我等着你回来, 举起杯, 倒满酒,饮尽这乡愁 ……我等着你回来。。。。。。。The group met at 5pm for Old Town Coffee at SUMMIT Subang Jaya.
Then some went for foot massage and the evidence has been captured on photos......

Beer O'Clock followed with the golden liquid flowing at Bar One. Then we tracked to CHINA COURT for the all-important Dinner with the whole group.
The food was fantastic but we had 2 people who were vegetarian and so the rest had a bit more to eat. So much so our KAPITAN and VICE CHAIRMAN became quite uncomfortable in his gut with the amount of food he ate and the Chinese wine he drank.
And Kee Mun was the only faithful Hawaiian who wore his Hawaiian shirt for the dinner. Too bad the rest of us was more casually attired or else it would have been like a mini Hawaii 50?! And he was the one person from our Ipoh Mali group; so KM, well done!
The food was fantastic but we had 2 people who were vegetarian and so the rest had a bit more to eat. So much so our KAPITAN and VICE CHAIRMAN became quite uncomfortable in his gut with the amount of food he ate and the Chinese wine he drank.
And Kee Mun was the only faithful Hawaiian who wore his Hawaiian shirt for the dinner. Too bad the rest of us was more casually attired or else it would have been like a mini Hawaii 50?! And he was the one person from our Ipoh Mali group; so KM, well done!

Now you see the hand over the shoulder.....

Some in the group adjourned to BAR ONE after dinner for more funky music and Cordon Bleu. Such was the high life and it was very hard living (Ha ha ha).... When the clock struck 12 and Hari Raya was here we bid each other good bye and au voir till we meet next time .....
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