On this date of 4th September 2010 ...
On this date of 4th September 2010 ...
Location : Malaysia , Perak State , Ipoh City ...
Scene One - Happy Hour
Captain Allen has arrived his hometown today.
After running around the town with KM looking for his favourite food, he settled in ' Summer Paradise ' for a Happy Hour session with the Ipoh Mali gang.
The Happy Hour started from 5.00pm and was attended by Kee Mun, Tong Leong, Hock Choong, Kong Jie, Bao Bao, Tali & 2 new faces : - Ooi Boon Hock & Leong Khai Choung.
Our ' Coke Ambassador '- Wong Sir also turned up for this session.
Rounds of beers & jokes , minus the *' 魚 ' and the karaoke by Jeffrey Ong, it's a fun-filled Happy Hour in this ' Paradise ' .....
Scene One - Happy Hour
Captain Allen has arrived his hometown today.
After running around the town with KM looking for his favourite food, he settled in ' Summer Paradise ' for a Happy Hour session with the Ipoh Mali gang.
The Happy Hour started from 5.00pm and was attended by Kee Mun, Tong Leong, Hock Choong, Kong Jie, Bao Bao, Tali & 2 new faces : - Ooi Boon Hock & Leong Khai Choung.
Our ' Coke Ambassador '- Wong Sir also turned up for this session.
Rounds of beers & jokes , minus the *' 魚 ' and the karaoke by Jeffrey Ong, it's a fun-filled Happy Hour in this ' Paradise ' .....
* Catch of the day ( by Bao Bao ) : - 有边个男人(猫)唔食魚咔?
Scene Two - Dinner
After many suggestions & objections, the final place for dinner was decided, thanks to Hock Choong's proposal - a nearby restaurant named Soon Fatt Restaurant.
So, the whole group of 50 years old ( minus Bao Bao & Khai Choung ) decided to go for makan by walking...
Everybody enjoyed the delicious food & of course, a few rounds of beer....
The group also enjoyed the 'romantic ' walking in the rain back to Summer Paradise after the dinner.
Scene Three - inside Wong Sir's car
Time : 9.05pm
“ 嘟嘟!嘟嘟 !嘟嘟 !”
“ 哈啰 ?”
“ 喂,老婆!我返哽來啦!”
“ 吓?有无搞錯?依家几多点啊?返來 ?”
“ 九奌几咯...... ”
“ ......你地都会甘早散band既咩 ?”
“ ........ ”
* Catch of the day ( by Bao Bao ) : - 有边个男人(猫)唔食魚咔?
Scene Two - Dinner
After many suggestions & objections, the final place for dinner was decided, thanks to Hock Choong's proposal - a nearby restaurant named Soon Fatt Restaurant.
So, the whole group of 50 years old ( minus Bao Bao & Khai Choung ) decided to go for makan by walking...
Everybody enjoyed the delicious food & of course, a few rounds of beer....
The group also enjoyed the 'romantic ' walking in the rain back to Summer Paradise after the dinner.
Scene Three - inside Wong Sir's car
Time : 9.05pm
“ 嘟嘟!嘟嘟 !嘟嘟 !”
“ 哈啰 ?”
“ 喂,老婆!我返哽來啦!”
“ 吓?有无搞錯?依家几多点啊?返來 ?”
“ 九奌几咯...... ”
“ ......你地都会甘早散band既咩 ?”
“ ........ ”
Posted By Y S Poon @ Tali Poon to Sam Tet Old Boys Class Of 1978 at 9/04/2010 11:11:00 PM
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