Fook Kheong's answer is a classic...usually majority rule...well obviously not in a case of excessive tolerance....here we definitely need a state-of-the art salesman....yes! that's you Allen!
I think we should hold our reunion in our original classroom...otherwise we should design a setting with everyone sit in their original place in the year 1978.....and we should get hold of any teachers if they are around....this will be truly memorable and meaningful..nostalgic satisfaction guaranteed...
Not everyone is enthusiastic about reunion....I did get a chill through my spine when i saw the sam tet school logo on the internet...come on man that was an age of abusive school discipline ...both verbal and physical...years of repressive development...leaving psychopathic and emotional scars in your souls which you carry through the rest of your life!...
Nevertheless we do look back for different reasons...especially when today is not as plain and simple as yesterday...ha!...when all my troubles seems so far away...and of course... the human mind tends to keep the good and forget the bad and the ugly in reminiscence....the truth is 1978 may be a great year for someone and a lousy one for someone else..and no one wants to come to a place to compare or to be compared...especially when many dreams don't come through....but what the hack...that's not reunion is about....it is about celebrating and remembering a time when we were together...when we all were young and have no careers, "educations" and social status.....when we were all placed into the same stuffy classroom day after day....well we might not be as glorious as our senior or juniors...but 1978 was ours...and we are accountable to it...
Now I think..I really do think that we need to get everyone in the class to attend this one...other wise don't have it..we don't want cliques, sub-groups or sub-standard gathering...this one will be
unique and special...THIS WILL BE THE FINAL REUNION!....the very last one.....after all a day is only meaningful when we live it as the very the last one....a final farewell party for all our mates in 1978....now how about that....
Of course if we are still around we can always organize a 60s reunion...and if we have ENCORE from the 50s...we can always do a 55s....but don't let them know yet...
This Post is by Mak Kwai Choon (a.k.a. KC Mak and Ben Mak) as expressed in Google Group. Please comment.