Thursday, June 25, 2009

One Of Our Very Own Has It!!!

Tali: Kuda Lari oh..... Perak Turf Club leh !
Kee Mun: What is so special????

Wong Sir: Wah, the horses look so big in real life!

Jeffrey Ong: Cheh, our friend TL is the committee member, ask him to take you for a run around the tracks lah!

Tali, KM, Wong Sir: No, we shall hold the next 1978er gathering at the Perak Turf Club lor!!!!!

TALI: 又有得饮囖!栋樑你是得嘅!

CTL : 哈哈哈! 你地要跑马仔无? 或者要骑马仔? 或者要"泡马子"? 来吧!我有大把马仔!哈哈哈!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Face Off at Sri Petaling 2

广仔 :睇咩吖?中国皇廷宫酒喔!以前皇帝饮既酒,你话刺鼻?你识唔识饮酒咔?唔仲意就无饮!我同Philip饮晒巨!
Ek Kok : 嗤!好巴闭咩!我地呢樽是Extra X.O.嚄!又香又顺!顶呱呱!Fook Keong, 你话系咪 ?
Philip : 唉呀!饮咩野都得啦。唔好争啦!
Boon Chee : 哈!哈!两支掺埋一齐饮唔是得咯!包你地high过US Market!
Kong Ho : 喂!你们看!有一个FAB在后面咧!不过,是不是吖乌呢?

Sri Petaling Gathering 2

The 78er uncles 2nd gathering in Sri Petaling was held on 11th June 2009. The official organiser - Ek Kok didn't want to share the photos with other uncles who were unable to attend his function. Unfortunately, his loyal partner, Kong Ho was so frustrated with his made-in-china camera, banged it against the Extra XO bottle so hard that these photos had accidentally posted on this blog, without Ek Kok's consent : -
All were thinking very seriously........

Au Chee : ( Where's the X.O. huh ?? )
Boon Chee : ( When should I take out the X.O. huh ?? )
广仔 : ( 有X.O.喔, 等我食饱先,慢慢饮. )
Philip : ( What is X.O. ?? )

Fook Keong : ( 听讲今晚有X.O.饮过喔! )

Ek Kok : ( 又话有中国皇廷宫酒既 ? )

Au Chee : ( 唉! 有无搞错, 做咩仲要等干耐咔?)

Fook Keong : 喂 ! 有X.O.就快的罗出来饮啦 !

Au Chee : 嘿嘿嘿! 是咯,快点嘛! 无FAB, X.O.都好啰!

Philip : Halo , 鸡婆! 我地有X.O.饮喔,你唔来得啊 ? 唉呀,凑仔啊 ! 哈,哈,哈 !

Kong Ho was busy taking photos & banging his camera....

It was reported that most of the uncles were not in a happy mood that night.....because there were no FAB......until the X.O. was served.............

( Tali 不在现场报道 )

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Apology From 江湖大佬

Ek Kok : Photos may be problematic. Kong Ho informed that his camera developed some problems. Photos may be "irrecoverable".

Tali : I'll say it is totally human error, especially it's Lee Kong Ho's error. He just don't want to show us all the photos !!!!!!

Chut Chut : This is what drinking means for these dirty uncles. 照片唔见得光, Of course camera got 'problems' lah. Ha ha.

江湖:To Sam Tet 1978er , Thousand apologies, look at my camera....technical problem or human error??????

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

46 Nabbed

HEADLINE IN THE RATS ( The people' paper ) today !


16th June 2009

A " Captain " , five " senior officer " and 40 members were arrested when OZ police clamped down on a phony paramilitary group operating from a residence in Melbourne here.
This is the first time thay " Captain " Auspilot, leader of the STOBA 1978er is attempting to lead an " air force ".

Auspilot, who is out on bail for an earlier charge of criminal consipacy related to leading the 1978er , had harboured hopes of being the sixth Prime Minister in Bolehland.

When the " Captain " and his " officers " were arrested , they were busy drinking toddy with " members ".

It was discovered that the " Captain " & his five " officers " namely - ' Grik Man ' , ' Tali ', ' Sukiman ', ' Wong Sir ' & ' Chut-Chut ' were expelled from the same ' 78er camp '.

The fake Air Force One - piloted by AUS PILOT

CAPTAIN : "Melbourne Center, Air Force One. Mayday, Mayday, Mayday. We are declaring an emergency and require to land in Melbourne Airport immediately."

Melbourne Center : "Air Force One, roger. Who is your Captain and what is the nature of your emergency?"
CAPTAIN : I got shit in my pants !

The real Air Force One
- piloted by TALI P-O-O-N

CAPTAIN : " Melbourne Center, this is the REAL Air Force One and I am Captain Tali Poon. P-O-O-N. The other one is a fake, piloted by AUS PILOT."

Melbourne Center : " Air Force One, roger. You are cleared for ILS approach Runway 16. Turn on your taxi and landing lights and rock your wings. Squawk IDENT so I know which one is which one!"

Aus Pilot and Tali P-O-O-N complied with ATC requirements at the same time.

Melbourne Center: " Alamak, you Malaysian pilots are teruk lah!!!!" 哈哈哈!!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Sri Petaling Gathering June 11 as reported by Ek Kok

Ek Kok : It took me close to 2 hours to get to Sri Petaling on Thursday. I left my office slightly after 6pm. may be about 6.20 pm. I arrived at Sri Petaling at 8.10 pm.

I received a call from Leong Chee Hoong at 8.05pm. He told me he was just out from his office. He would join us in next round.

The dinner was attended by Philip. Boon Chee Yee Hong. Kong Ho. Au Chee. myself and Fook Kheong. Chun Ngan arrived KL at about 9 plus. Despite "thirsty". he could not get taxi from Makhota Cheras to join us for drink. So 7 of us went 2nd round at Golden Sun. Assured all readers. All uncles were well behaved. nothing hanky panky.

It was a great evening. we listened to each others "stories". Many great moments of "sharing" without inhibitions.

We intend to call for gathering again. All of us agreed it would be good to hold it on Friday evening. No rush. Everybody is relaxed. Sat and Sun usually are rest days.

Photos may be problematic. Kong Ho informed that his camera developed some problems. Photos may be "irrecoverable". We cannot show readers how we finished a bottle of EXTRA XO (personal treasure contributed by Boon Chi). a very good liquor. We had good time at Yee Hong's house. drinking his "china made gong chiew for emperor" that smell like pungent ?????. Fook Kheong and Taukeh Jeffrey knew how it tasted. ( 中国皇帝公蕉 ?? 哎呀...你地班gay佬,搞咩野啊 ?? ) ( Fook Keong & Jeffrey 知道咩味道 ??..... Wah Lau Er ! )

Captain : Ai Ya ! Ek Kok, Why you no ask Boon Chee to take the camera meh ! He got bring camera for all the past gatherings mah. But anyway, it's the same lah, even Boon Chee got camera, he won't be able to upload it until 1 or 2 months later.

Tali : 江湖大佬,你干样行走江湖,唔点喔 !Problem 啦 !我地点样帮captain交代啊 ?

KEE MUN: I think this bunch of monkeys had something 唔敢show in the photos and so they used a lousy excuse the camera was broken!

WONG SIR: 一定是了, 班淫湿佬嘛!!!

EK KOK 走光了喂!

Ek Kok : Captain , 我静鸡鸡话睥你听啦,Boon Chee 个日带佐条靓女来,唔爱比你地知道耶。哪 !我比她的相片你地睇吓,你唔好话是我讲咔!

Boon Chee: 我边度得闲?我重要 JAGA US Market and I also want to buy all the nice properties in OZ!!!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sri Petaling ! Ek Kok is Coming Again !


Ek Kok :
Dear class members , It is celebration time again. The dinner gathering is on.
Venue = Sri Petaling Sea Food Restaurant (the same old place)
Date = 11 June Thursday
Time = 7.30 pm

Fook Kheong : Ee Kok, Please quickly go and arrange another one. We are all very hungry and thirsty now.

Ek Kok : 睇吓 !流口水呒 !快的来 Sri Petaling 啦 !

TALI (塔里): 真掺!我唔去得! 无得食囖!!!

KEE MUN: 你自己食自己嘞!!!

塔里: 我又无得饮喔....

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Sri Petaling's Drama continue....


Boon Chee discovered the following photos were still lying underneath his piles of U.S. currency notes on a sunny Sunday afternoon :-

K C : What's the hell are you sucking ?
Tali : The food here is finger licking good !

KC : 各位同志 ,我从Dubai呷远返来,Tali 只顾自己吮手指,好唔够老友!
Tali : 你唔好撞火......
FK : 有事慢慢讲.....唔好嬲...

Boon Chee : 我地无Q理Tali & KC, 来.. 饮胜!
S.K. : 睬倨地都傻 !
Chut-Chut : 饮胜 !

Dr. Foo : 话之倨, 无人同我争,我最好! 左拥右抱! 嘿!嘿!嘿!

广仔 : 我地继续饮胜 !

后,大团圆结局,大合照 !

Au Chee : 这位Dubai 仁兄黯淡收场 !呜呼哀哉 !

Some Yummy Shots At Crocodile Farm's Gathering

三德 。。。。 鳄鱼潭。。。。饮食。。。。

Boon Chee Was So Busy That He Has Been Keeping These Yummy Photos Until Now : - ( The dinner was on 18-April-2009 )

Soo Weng's 1st appearance in 78er's gathering , so were Dr. Foo & his life partner !

Chut-Chut : Harlow ? Harlow ? Captain ? U want to see Au Chee & his life policy ?

Dr. Foo : Long time no see, Ek Kok !

The conference call with OZ is no good. We better have our conference makan.

Chut-Chut : I am a proud man tonight ! I finally made my first move since 1979.

Friday, June 5, 2009



1.知足常乐。行坐安然,贫富安然,名利不贪,恬淡寡欲,清静无为,宁静致远,知足赛过长生药,常乐好比活神仙。--( 李江湖之乐 )

2.天伦之乐在属于自己的小天地,赏心于夫妻之情、儿女之情、祖孙之情、手足之情中,则飘飘欲仙也。要增进天伦之乐,就得互敬互爱,家庭和睦。 -- (陈庸庸之乐 ) 

3.运动之乐。生命在于运动,适当运动,持之以恒,长寿之道也。 -- (吴剑平之乐 )  

4.助人为乐少想自己,多想他人,把帮助别人当作最大的乐事,则心情爽快,胸襟开阔。-- (苏忻敏之乐)  

5.忘年之乐人虽年长,忘年之交不可少,要不拘年岁行辈而多和青年人交知心朋友,萌发童心,产生愉快、轻松、乐观,充满希望的情绪,从而有益于身心健康,延缓机体衰老的进程。-- (官玉成之乐)   

6.忍让之乐。万事之中,忍字为上,和字为贵,必须有忍性,事情才能成。古人云:忍得一时之气,可免百日之忧。忍能化干戈为玉帛,忍可显示你的大度。 -- (余哲尧之乐) 

7.宽容之乐。宽乃心宽,容乃容人,容事,严于律已,宽以待人,豁达乐观,可使心情舒畅,青春常在。 -- (邢益国之乐)

8.读书之乐知识是人之精神食粮,活到老学到老,是人类至高无尚的追求。博览群书,丰富知识,是认识世界的精神动力,也是人生中最快乐最执著的追求。 -- (陈耀星之乐)   

9.想象之乐想象,有对往事的回忆,有对美好未来的憧憬,回忆儿时的天真烂漫,回忆青年时的倾心如意,则能使人沉浸在欢乐和幸福的追忆之中,勤于幻想,乐于思维,是健康之友。--( 曾祥宾之乐)  

10.平静之乐。静乃安静、清静、文静。心静则天宽、情绪稳。因此,生活中,任尔东西南北风,我乃稳坐钓鱼台,胜不骄,败不馁,心静则体健。-- (刘建芳之乐 )

--- (黄德祥之乐 )- 可口可乐 !

Wong Sir : 我净系钟意饮可乐 !

Wong Sir : 不过,我有时都饮下 Kopi-O 咔 !